YWCA Harbor Area | Sponsorship Opportunities
Legacy Sponsor $25,000
Naming rights to Program of your choice
Name and Logo on our website for one year
Opportunity to speak at the Event
Your own private Afternoon High Tea Event for 25 people any time throughout the year
Logo on event materials
15 Tickets
Empowerment Sponsor $10,000
Recognition during Event
Opportunity to speak at the event
Featured in all Media outreach
Logo featured on the website for a year and on all event materials
10 Tickets
Julia Morgan Sponsor $5,000
Recognition during dinner
Featured in all Media outreach
Logo featured on the website for a year and on all event materials
6 tickets
Community Partner Sponsor $2,500
Recognition during Event
Name at Event
Featured in all Media outreach
Logo featured on the website for a year and on all event materials
4 Tickets
General Sponsor $1,200
Recognition during Event
Featured in Media outreach
Logo featured on the website for a year and on all event materials
Name at Event
3 tickets
Support Sponsor $500
Recognition at event name at table
2 Tickets to the event
For more information or Register your Sponsor Selection at sbailey@ywcaharbor.org